May 20 - Perpetual Hurt - Learning To Let Go

May 11 - Living Visions (Jared Knowlton)

April 17 - Overcoming The Controlling EGO -
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February 23 - The Pain of Expectation -
Getting Over the 'What If'

Feb 15th - Mostly Revamped:
Still working on streamlining and cleaning things up.
*Bear with me. Thanks!

Feb 14th - Happy Valentines Day!!!

March 14, 2011

Dr. Wayne Dyer's 'The Shift' (Video)

"It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either."

"Everything in the universe has a purpose. Indeed, the invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is also flowing through you."

"It makes no sense to worry about things you have no control over because there's nothing you can do about them, and why worry about things you do control? The activity of worrying keeps you immobilized." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Full Movie

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12

“The most important decision we make

is whether we believe we live in a friendly

or hostile universe.” - Albert Einstein

By Dr. Wayne Dyer

"Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., is an internationally renowned author
and speaker in the field of self-development. Wayne holds a doctorate
in educational counseling from Wayne State University and was an
associate professor at St. John’s University in New York." via Heal Your Life

The Love Equation

     "Think of the people you know who give love in response to negative energy that’s directed their way. There aren’t many people who respond lovingly in that situation. The ones who do are able to because they have love to give away. They know that it’s impossible to give away what they don’t have, and they’ve gone that extra mile to acquire what it is that they want to both attract and give away."


Are You Present?

     "Have you noticed how often we use up the present moments of our lives, the very precious currency of life, consumed with a longing to be someplace else, doing something else? Or we waste present moments feeling guilty about the past or apprehensive about the future. Slipping away from the present happens because we are living our lives with an attitude of depreciation rather than appreciation."


Measuring Your Worth

     "When you truly understand what it means to live peacefully, satisfaction will begin to replace your desire for more. Your world will begin to become tranquil as you change your own life and then touch the lives of your immediate family, your neighbors, your co-workers, and ultimately your nation and the entire planet."


Heal Your Life | Dr. Wayne Dyer (Blog)


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