The majority of your choices and actions determine your greater overall experience. That is not to say that a single “good” or “bad” choice can't impact your life dramatically. But by simply following a positive or negative path, this will increase the likelihood of finding yourself in a corresponding state somewhere down the road. A few steps will not effectively beat a path, but over time constant consistent action will create a path or a groove, which will make it easier for you to follow. They are called ‘Habits’.
Ask yourself --
“What do I do with the majority of my time?”
“What is my most dominating thought throughout the day?”
“Are the majority of my thoughts and actions positive or negative?”
“Does it benefit me or not?”
“What can I do to change the thoughts and actions that do not benefit me?”
“What bad habits can I substitute with better habits?”
“How could I better utilize my time?”
If you can turn your negative tendencies in to powerful positive habits, then you are setting yourself up for success. Harness the power of these positive habits. Choose consciously in every moment of your life, until it is absolutely effortless. Choose until you no longer have to.
Habits are thoughts and actions without the effort.
“As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”
- Henry David Thoreau
When you start creating your life effortlessly, you’ll know you’ve developed some good positive habits in your life. When life just seems to magically provide you with solutions, that means you’re doing something right. Isn’t that what we all want -- A life in which we can effortlessly do that which brings us the greatest joy?
Don’t allow your life to be run by others. If you allow this to happen, you lose all control of your life and enslave yourself to a very unfulfilling, unsatisfying future. Don’t voluntarily imprison yourself to outside people and circumstances.
Start your day off on the right foot, and that will set the tone for the rest of your day. Begin by consciously choosing your day, and every moment from that time on with be in your control. Set up your habits for the day and don’t even think about them -- Just do them. “Effortless” is the key word.
Start Living your Effortless Life NOW and you will Amass unfathomable Love & Joy.
- Chris Earl | Fresh Connect
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