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September 20, 2010

Habits of Positivity - Take The Effort Out

Successful people keep telling you over and over again… “Think positive - Think positive“, “Keep reading your affirmations“, “Do a Dream Board“, “Don‘t forget to look at your Dream Board“, “Write down your intentions“, “Tell everyone about your wonderful dream“, “Talk about it - Think about it - Dream about it“. You think to yourself, “Ugh - What a chore“!

Let me explain the mechanics behind it all.

Why do we do these things? What is the purpose of thinking positive and reading affirmations? It is not simply to get in to thinking positively; the purpose is to get in to the habit of being positive. What is the difference you ask?

It’s the same difference between thinking your way to your destination, and actually taking steps towards your destination. You’re never going to get there if you don’t make an effort and take steps towards it.

Get out of the painful effortful Doing-ness of it all and in to the effortless Habitual Being-ness.

The Difference Between Doing & Being

Being Positive -- What is the difference between doing positive things and being positive? With being positive, you resonate at a deep level, you embody that positivity in everything you do. It truly is taking positive actions and turning them in to a habitual way of being. The key is to get out of the thinking and the effort of doing positive actions and getting in to the flow of truly being positive in every moment of your day. You radiate out positivity and success, which in-turn attracts similar things back to you.

What is the purpose of these “Positive Thinking” activities? When you are able to talk to your subconscious at a level where you don’t criticize the information, your body is better able to assimilate the information and the feeling power of those intentions. You could very much compare it to hypnosis.

The biggest problem most people struggle with is getting out of the negativity of every day life. We struggle to keep on top of the load that is placed on us. Family, friends, church, school, work, etc etc etc. It never ends.

The function of the affirmations is to talk to your subconscious and to feel it in to a place of positive vibrations where at the very core of your being, you are resonating positivity and attracting it on all levels.

Next time your feel the effort of having to do something… shift your conscious perception of it.

From "Having To" to "Wanting To"

Most people see this as such a tiresome chore. They don’t make it a positive thing. Instead, they treat it like work, a job they “Have to do”. Stop right there, ‘cause you’re doing it wrong and it won’t get you very far.

Next time you hear the words, “Think positive - Stay Positive“, “Write down your Intentions.” or “Read your affirmations“, instead of thinking of work and what a chore it is, think… “I’m working on building the habits of BEing Positive. Keep it enjoyable - Keep it effortless“.

Make this “work” fun!!! This is the process by which your perfect life will come about. Treat the process as if it were pure gold; as if you had paid millions of dollars for this sage advice. If this was the key by which all of your fondest wishes and deepest dreams where given to you, you wouldn't treat it like a piece of dog meat.

This is very much a “Pearls before Swine” scenario. Did I just call you a Pig!?! No no no… that’s not the idea. The idea is, you’ve got to get conscious about the process and make it a positive thing. Only then will you be able to tap in to the benefits of this process.

Remember - The Ultimate goal is to create Habits of Positivity.

Positive thinking and affirmations are meant to get you in the feeling place of being positive, of being your own success and to get out of the mind trap we often find ourselves in.

Start looking at this “work” a different way, and that just might be the only thing you need to the tip the balance in your favor.

-- You have to do the work if you expect to see the results --

It’s just that simple!

- Chris Earl | Fresh Connect


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