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September 20, 2010

Iceberg of Abundance - Riches vs Wealth

Too often, we are preoccupied with what hasn't been working in our lives.

My life is a mess because:

My husband doesn't support me.
The kids don't cooperate.
The boss won't give me time off.
I work two jobs.
I'm overweight.
I can't stop smoking.
I have no extra time available.

...and the list goes on.

The majority of us tend to focus on the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the wealth in our lives. We see, acknowledge and appreciate the obvious blessings in our lives.

I am grateful for:

My husband/wife, my children, my job, my house, my vehicle (if it's in good working condition), etc.

Yet, we know there is more wealth to be had in our lives, we just don't know where it is. It tends to elude us in our pursuit of it.

We know that there is a wealth in our lives that is untapped, but we are oblivious to the extent of this wealth, where it is and how to obtain it.

Our concept of wealth, a great deal of it, resides among the idea of having enough money. Abundance of money opens doors to us that would otherwise be closed.

We have this idea that:

"I will be happy when I can afford what I want, give my loved ones what they need, and quite that job I hate so much".

That seems to be the obvious preoccupation we all have with wealth. To have enough money -- This truly encompasses our most worthy ideals and has a greater chance of granting abundant happiness than if we had no money and no resources to call upon in order to facilitate the creation of our dream lives.

But there is a whole 'nother tier of abundance we do not readily acknowledge. We tend to believe that the magic bullet to our happiness is financial independence. I'm sure it is not a surprise to you, and I've heard this from many professionals, that "Money" does not equal happiness. You can be filthy rich and be miserable.

This "other system" of wealth that seems to elude us -- If we can learn to acknowledge this intangible realm of abundance, then... we can learn to generate our own wealth, simply by appreciating all of the wonderful blessings ( "True" Wealth ) that are so abundant in our lives. Just because we can not see it, does not mean it does not play a part in our overall fulfillment here on Earth.

Can you see happiness? Can you see your health? Can you see the happiness that your family brings to your life? Probably not -- At least, it is not entirely apparent when perceived by the five senses. It is something that has to be detected with the heart.

It is the "Heart Realm" of wealth that seems to hide from our gaze. We know it's there, but we are not aware of the extent of this incorporeal abundance that the Heart (ethereal) realm contains.

Learn to tap in to this realm and you will never have to search for love and acceptance ever again so long as you live (and beyond). Once tapped in, abundance will flow to you with no effort what so ever. You will be amazed at the shear volume of abundance -- The shear magnitude of things you have to be thankful for.

Once tapped in, monetary wealth/riches will be the least of your concern. You will not desire it nearly as much, and the riches (monetary necessities) will seem to flow to you effortlessly once you lose yourself in the abundance of the "Heart Realm".

Submerse yourself and take a look at the rest of the Iceberg under the surface of current "Physical" reality and look at everything you have to be thankful and grateful for. Tap in to that abundance you've so longed for.

Become the creator of your own wealth and you will never have to desire monetary riches ever again.

- Chris Earl | Fresh Connect


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