May 20 - Perpetual Hurt - Learning To Let Go

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May 20, 2011

Perpetual Hurt - Learning To Let Go

"Each day you allow the hurt & injustices of the past to bring you down... Each day you continue to hold on to the pain of yesterday... Every day you subconsciously call yourself a 'victim' of circumstance, you allow others who have hurt you in the past, to continue hurting you in the NOW-ness of life."

"The more you hold on to that pain which, you feel, defines you so strongly, you hand over your power for a happy life - You allow your destiny to be put in the hands of those who hurt you long ago."

"Learn to let go and forgive. That is the only way you will reclaim your power - That is the only way you will reclaim your future and the true happiness of the NOW. You can not gain happiness by withholding happiness from others." - Chris Earl | Fresh Connect

**This post is in response to a comment
   my friend made in reference
   to this quote.

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Letting go is a process like anything else. The point I was driving at is, the longer and harder we hold on to the bitterness, the anger, the pain, the longer we hand over our power to those who have done us wrong, the longer it allows them to continue to hurt us well after the fact.

For Example: There was this woman once who was going through a very hard and bitter divorce and she kept saying all the horrible and rotten things her husband had done throughout the marriage and how she was glad to be rid of him and out of the marriage. I asked her why she was so sad if she felt so 'liberated'. She didn't know the answer and couldn't tell me.

I said, 'As long as you hold that bitterness and that pain inside... until you learn to forgive him... he continues to hurt you every single day. He hasn't just hurt you once... Every time you think about how he has done you wrong, you give him the power to hurt you again and again and again...'. She realized that over the years, she had inadvertently turned one small, seemingly insignificant hurt in to a very powerful bitterness that afflicted her daily.

I'm always reminded of a very powerful quote (I wish I could remember who said it)... 'The best revenge is living well'. You can't start the healing process until you are ready to start forgiving people & loving others.

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Too often we get so absorbed in the drama of life and in the needing to be 'right' about things - We have a constant sense of ownership in our feelings and emotions as if it were our 'cross to bear' so to speak - That if one was to lose this burden of responsibility, they would be less of a person.

"Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward."
- Unknown

"Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head." - Ann Landers

"Let go. Why do you cling to pain? There is nothing you can do about the wrongs of yesterday. It is not yours to judge. Why hold on to the very thing which keeps you from hope and love?" - Leo Buscaglia

In-fact the opposite is true. You can't hope to be a bigger better person until you've learned to let old tired energies go. You drain yourself of positive loving energy every day when you rehash old wounds and old pains.

Free yourself from your own self-induced bondage of emotion.

"The trees in the storm don't try to stand up straight and tall and erect. They allow themselves to bend and be blown with the wind. They understand the power of letting go. Those trees and those branches that try too hard to stand up strong and straight are the ones that break." - Julia Butterfly Hill

"There are things that we never want to let go of, people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn’t the end of the world, it’s the beginning of a new life." - Unknown

Learn to Let-Go ~ Learn to Forgive ~ Learn to Love


response to above post:   In the process of writing a book to hopefully help others by using my life experiences as an example for the book, I am deeply imbedded in the past as I write... writing is not only healing, it is also very disturbing and hurtful, but this book has to be written. Even now as I struggle getting it done and at the same time delight in it, because I believe in its ultimate purpose as it gives meaning to my life... a book of victorious overcoming and transcending that will be healing to many, I still need support, understanding and love to see it through to its completion... to reach my full purpose and potential in this lifetime. I am not bitter or unforgiving or lacking in love or faith just because I still struggle... I'm far more than all of that... I know because I know that the Lord is with me on this incredible journey... He reassures me daily. Love to all who are still there to inspire and help me get it right.


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