When it seems like your life is turned upside down and things just don’t make sense any more, that is when you need to pay the most attention. The universe is trying to tell you something. When chaos breaks out in your personal life or in the world in general, it is the universe’s attempt to correct incorrect thinking and to give you the opportunity to exercise your sacred uncompromising power of choice.
In times of great upheaval (personal or global), remember… there is evolution in chaos. It serves to introduce new, uniquely fulfilling paradigms in the human experience. It serves to galvanize your personal truth and slough off old ideas than no longer serve you. Without the fires of chaos, the old would not fall away and the seeds of new experience would not bloom.
Change is the only constant in the universe.
In times of chaos, remember to stay centered, trust in yourself and in the universe to see you through. But also, ask yourself -- “What am I to learn from all of this?” “Why is my life unbalanced?” “What am I missing in my life?” “What do I need to do to return balance and harmony to my life?”
Start with yourself and the outside world will correspond to that inner peace and harmony.
- Chris Earl | Fresh Connect
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