May 20 - Perpetual Hurt - Learning To Let Go

May 11 - Living Visions (Jared Knowlton)

April 17 - Overcoming The Controlling EGO -
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March 11 - Fresh Connect Posts | 2009 | 2010 | 2011

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February 23 - The Pain of Expectation -
Getting Over the 'What If'

Feb 15th - Mostly Revamped:
Still working on streamlining and cleaning things up.
*Bear with me. Thanks!

Feb 14th - Happy Valentines Day!!!

November 16, 2009

The Perfect "You"

You are the perfect “You” there ever was, is or ever could be. You are the perfect “You” and no one can replace you. You are the perfect “You” for the job.

Out of every spirit in the universe, you were picked to come to this Earth to do what it is you do at this very point in time. You might not know why exactly you are here, but you are here for a purpose. Whether you are conscious of your life purpose or not, you will do exactly what you were meant to do, exactly when you are suppose to.

There could be no person more perfect for the job then you.

In all of your goodness - In all of your not-so-goodness - In your smallness and in your greatness

You are perfect! God doesn’t make mistakes. Claim your perfection! Do what it is you do best.

What is it you do best?

Do you enjoy creating? Then create.

Do you enjoy being social? Then be social.

Do you enjoy working hard? Then work hard.

Do you love to love? Then love!

Be the perfection that is “You”. You can be no less.

- Chris Earl | Fresh Connect


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