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February 14, 2011

Living Visions - Sage Apprentice (Jason Ray France)

Jason Ray France

an Artist, Author, Sage, Leader, Healer & Philanthropist.
Above all, he is a dedicated husband and father of four.

"When you invest your all, you never have to worry
about if you could have done more."
     - Jason Ray France, Author
        "Sage Apprentice: One Man's Quest for Truth"

Sage Affirmation

Originally Posted: July 28, 2010

Jason (long time supporter of Fresh Connect) is my dear friend, brother, kindred spirit, teacher & mentor. We share much, including our similar personalities, traits, quarks, likes and dislikes. We have much in common and seem to be right in step with each other even when we tend to lose contact with each other for long periods of time.

I first came in contact with Jason on Myspace. We crossed paths on that social network by some very casual happenchance. I seemed to have gathered up enough courage to contact him because I was a budding graphic designer and I knew that he had gone to college in that field. I very selfishly wanted to pick his brain.

One thing led to another, and in no time we were the best of friends. It was as if our destinies were intertwined. It was impossible to lose this guy! We seemed to stumble upon each other by no pre-determined intentions whatsoever.

And so... since that fateful crossing of paths, and the inevitable melding of destinies, we have become nothing short of brothers, twin spirits. He stands by my side (as always) as a dedicated mentor - A true friend and councilor.

He must like me to some degree. I like to think it’s because of my unfailing optimism, my positively peppy disposition, my unyielding charisma, my voracious appetite of creativity and my tenacious dedication to the propagation of positivity in a dim world.

I hope you are able to better understand his mission with The Sage Network and that you might be touched by his indelible, creative and heartfelt contributions to this world.


What was your inspiration for your book Sage Apprentice?

"Sage Apprentice" is a fictional story that is loosely based on my life experiences. I wrote it to share hope with those that are not willing to settle for "good enough." So often in life, people feel constricted by societal rules and a need to fulfill the expectations of others. I wanted to show them that there is another way. You only get one life, and you are the only one in control of it. If you don't like it, change it! It's that simple, although most of us make it much more complicated than that.

What compelled you to write it and how has it changed your life?

I wrote it when I felt trapped in my life circumstances and yearned to break free. I wanted to do something that really mattered and made a difference. It was highly cathartic for me. I felt much lighter when I completed it, and I also had the greatest sense of accomplishment that I've ever known.

Have you always wanted to be an Author?

Actually, my first love is art. My mom said that I came out of her womb with a pencil in my hand. I've always been a natural at freehand drawing, and I always thought that I would eventually paint, but I've yet to be successful at it. I suppressed my talent for so long that I seem to have somehow blocked it. That's what happens when you resist letting your light shine-it dims. Yet, I know that it isn't lost, because it's a part of me.

For now, I feel compelled to write. Mom had a feeling that I would be a writer. I should have listened, because she always knew what she was talking about. I began creative writing in grade school, and I used to record stories on cassette tapes that seemed to flow right out of me.

How would you describe your personality, and what do you feel is your unique contribution to the world?

I've always described myself as being caring and sensitive, but in my full greatness, I am courageous, loving, and powerful! My unique contribution is in being a spiritual healer through teaching love. My name actually means "spiritual healer." Was my mom in tune or what?

What is your fondest memory of your childhood?

Sitting up late on my mom's lap, watching television, and eating "Booberry" cereal.

We often are told that we have a child inside of every one of us. Is there still a child inside of Jason, and how do you think it shows itself from time to time? In what way do you treat that little child inside?

Yes, my inner child is alive and well! He is lovely and joyful, but he can also be unsure and frightened. I adore him, but I can be quite hard on him at times. He deserves nothing but unconditional love, but I get frustrated with him when he hides his full potential because of the fear of being hurt.

One of the mottos of the Sage Network is to "Own Your Greatness". What is your earliest memory of owning up to your greatness, and how do you feel you’ve sustained that over the years? Do you have a recent example of owning up to your greatness?

I heard there was an opening in the Student Council for a 7th Grade Representative. Something told me that this was my opportunity to shine, and I stepped right up on that stage and gave an impromptu speech! I was in the Student Council ever since, with the exception of losing the election for Sophomore Class President. That gave me more confidence to step up and be heard when it really mattered.

Recently, when I and my family were faced with all kinds of false accusations and under tremendous speculation, rather than turn and run, I took a stand!

What is your favorite activity when letting go of your busy schedule?

Of course, I enjoy spending time with my family most of all. I also enjoy many creative pursuits, such as art, writing, and poetry.

Do you have a special place in which you like to read, think and/or meditate?

You can usually find me in my study, but my favorite outdoor places are on the front porch or out by the lake. Following one particularly trying time after moving to Missouri, I walked out to the end of a small floating pier at one of our local lakes, looked up to the stars, and said, "Here I am! Use me as you will!"

What is/are your favorite quote(s)?

The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become. -Charles Du Bos

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man. -George Bernard Shaw

Be brave enough to live life creatively. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. You can't get there by bus, only by hard work and risk and by not quite knowing what you're doing. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover will be yourself. -Alan Alda

What one person in history captivates you? What one person in history do you have the deepest respect for - Who is your hero?

My ultimate hero is the Savior, but other than him, I have always revered Abraham Lincoln as my personal hero.

What is your favorite type of food?

Mexican food is my most favorite. I was practically raised on it. I also like Banana Shakes and Virgin Pina Coladas.

Do you have any pet peeves?

Oh, yes! I have many! Cell phones drive me up the wall, especially when being used while driving or in public places, such as the movie theater! I don't get the point of texting. I hear that text messages can now be converted into spoken messages. That was called a phone call in my day. I'm also not much for personal messengers on the computer-some even open up automatically! That's not what I'm there for, and it interferes with my work.

Bad customer service aggravates me, and people without tact or common courtesy annoy the heck out of me! Don't ever patronize me, or talk down to me! It just doesn't work! My ego is far too healthy for that!

What three things do you value most in your life?

God, family, and friends.

Where do you see yourself in 5 yrs?

I see myself in the same place, but with more financial security, which will enable me to further accomplish my goals and more fully assist others.

What do you feel is your ultimate purpose being here on Earth?

To love.

What motivates you to pursue your dreams?

A strong desire to best use the gifts that God gave me, and in the process, assist others to know their genuine selves and live their best lives.

What would be your ideal world?

One of healing, openness, and inspiration.

If and when you ever find yourself struggling with life, from where do you draw the most strength and why?

I am often challenged with severe anxiety and depression. This is one of the reasons that I feel so strongly to reach out to others and assist them with their struggles in any way that I can. It is through my loved ones and in prayer that I find my greatest solace, because it is by both of these that I feel the most connected to my Creator.

If you could change anything about your life, what would you change and why?

I am more content with my life than ever before, and my family has been more blessed than ever before-but with that having been said, I would like to better provide for them.

- - - - -

Tell us a little bit about your mission with the Sage Network and where do you hope to go with it?

The mission of The Sage Network has always been to inspire each one of us to be our own unique contribution to the world. It is to inspire the common person, that feels stuck in life, to act on their greatness and choose something different. Through the few that have chosen to share, I know that The Sage Network can and does accomplish it's mission. My intent is to motivate more members to take ownership of their lives, share their stories, and inspire many others to do the same. There is no limit to our combined potential! The possibilities are endless!

How would you like to see it improve this next year?

Unfortunately, members seem hesitant to share, and in the sharing of our personal journeys is the power to inspire. I feel that most members of the network need some guidance. They want to make changes, but they don't know exactly how to go about it. With this in mind, a system will be introduced to assist them to take on their lives.

The Sage System is inspired by my book, "Sage Apprentice, One Man's Quest for Truth," which was the inspiration for the whole network in the first place. It will be an introduction to taking on your life with instructions, challenges, and mastery. Members of the network will be able to identify their focus by what they are currently mastering. Having completed this introductory portion, a member will become an official Sage Apprentice.

Those that wish to become Sage Masters may advance to The Four Phases of Individual Growth-Accountability, Awakening, Actualization, and Ascension. These are based on my book, "Innate Truth, Welcome to a World of Endless Possibilities." The Sage System will be available online, and it will be up to each individual member to monitor their progress-your word is your bond.

Do you have any big goals in the next year or so?

The Sage System will be introduced and utilized through The Sage Network. The revised version of "Sage Apprentice" is about to be released, "Innate Truth" will be out before the end of the summer, and "Teaching on Pebble Road" will be completed and available.

"Sage Talk Live" on JTV, my webcast consisting of self improvement, chat, and fun, is beginning again on Thurs., Aug. 26th, at 9:00 p.m. It originally aired as an Internet Radio show on Nowlive in 2007 and was the unofficial start of The Sage Network.

"Sage Talk Live" assists The Sage Network in fulfilling it's mission by the teaching of valuable life tools, and fostering the mutual support and understanding of it's members. The 2010 Sage Ambassadors will be nominated by The Sage Board Members, chosen based on their involvement and accomplishments, and featured on the network.

Is there any Sage wisdom would like to impart to our Fresh Connect Members and/or to the rest of the World at large?

Love each other. As the Savior said, "Love one another."

- - - - -

From all of us here at Fresh Connect, we'd like to thank Jason for his continued support. We would also like to thank him for sharing his time with us and for giving us all a little sneak-peek in to his life - Personal, Private & Professional.

Peace & Love - Many blessing to you on your life long journey of the Sage.


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